A Comprehensive Approach to Orthotics and Prosthetics

At Teitelbaum Orthotics and Prosthetic, we understand that diabetes can have a significant impact on your feet, increasing your risk of complications such as foot ulcers and infections. That's why we provide specialized diabetic foot care services to help you maintain healthy feet and enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.

Our Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Care Services:

  • Thorough Assessment: We conduct a comprehensive assessment of your feet, including a detailed examination of your skin, nails, and circulation, to identify any potential risk factors for foot ulcers.

  • Risk Reduction Strategies: We implement a personalized plan to reduce your risk of foot ulcers, including:

    • Footwear Evaluation: We evaluate your footwear to ensure it provides adequate support and protection.

    • Sensory Evaluation: We assess your sensory function to identify any areas of reduced feeling that could increase your risk of injury.

    • Skin Care Education: We provide education on proper foot hygiene and skin care to prevent infections and promote healing.

  • Custom Orthotic Fitting: We create custom orthotics to provide support, stability, and alignment to your feet, helping to reduce pressure points and prevent foot ulcers from forming.

  • Expert Wound Management: If you have a foot ulcer, we provide expert wound care to promote healing and prevent infection.

  • Lifestyle Modifications: We work with you to make lifestyle changes that can improve your overall foot health and reduce your risk of complications, such as:

    • Proper Blood Glucose Control: We emphasize the importance of maintaining good blood glucose control to reduce the risk of nerve damage and other complications.

    • Regular Foot Inspections: We encourage you to perform regular foot inspections to identify any potential problems early on.

    • Seeking Prompt Medical Attention: We stress the importance of seeking prompt medical attention for any concerns or injuries to your feet.

    Your Path to Diabetic Foot Wellness

    With our specialized diabetic foot care services, you can take control of your foot health and reduce your risk of complications. We are committed to providing you with personalized care, education, and support to help you achieve optimal foot health and enjoy an active lifestyle.

    Partner with Us for Diabetic Foot Wellness:

    We schedule regular check-ups to monitor your progress and make adjustments to your orthotic as needed.


    Schedule a consultation today and let us help you achieve healthy, pain-free feet.

    Embrace Diabetic Foot Wellness and Live an Active Life

    Schedule a Consultation Today and Embark on Your Road to Recovery

Our Contact and Locations

Embarking on a journey to better mobility and comfort begins with a single step. We're here to guide and support you every step of the way. Reach out to us, and let's discuss how Teitelbaum Orthotics & Prosthetics can enhance your quality of life. Your brighter, more comfortable future is just a call or message away.

Get in touch

At Teitelbaum Orthotics & Prosthetics, we value our relationship with you. We're committed to keeping you informed, answering your questions, and hearing your feedback. Here are you can get in touch, we'd love to stay connected.


Email us at: office@orthoticsny.com


+1 718-782-0600


+1 718-782-0611